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Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance

About the School

Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Our careers provision at St. Crispin’s is based on the Gatsby Benchmarks as recommended in the DfE’s Careers Strategy (December 2017) and the Statutory Guidance for Careers (updated January 2023).

At St. Crispin’s, we recognise that being “work ready” is just as important as the qualifications you hold. Students will be given opportunities to develop and hone their employability skills through a range of events and activities; some internally delivered but others which involve our local advisors/trustees as well as local employers.

School is the place where all students, whatever their family background, can get unbiased information, advice and guidance on the whole range of career pathways.
Sir John Holman 2018, Gatsby Foundation

In line with these Benchmarks, St. Crispin’s supports students as follows:

  • Assemblies led by local employers, former students and career experts
  • Year 10 Careers Days
  • Attendance at local Careers Fayre
  • Year 9 Options Evening
  • Year 7-11 Tutor Programme
  • A Dedicated Careers Library
  • Career insight talks
  • All Year 10 students will receive at least one face to face session with a qualified Careers Advisor
  • Support with employability skills
  • Mock interviews
  • A wider range of careers related events and trips across the curriculum
  • Impartial information on Post 16 and Post 18 career options
  • St. Crispin’s students are provided with a Unifrog account.  Unifrog is an online platform which allows students to complete quizzes that identify potential pathways that suit their skills and interests.  It also provides comprehensive informaion on different study options, university courses, apprenticeships and jobs
  • Develop your skills and careers confidence with Youth Employment UK

Sixth Form students are guided closely for university application or vocational opportunities. Our careers programme is regularly reviewed to ensure that students are given the right guidance and support in an ever-changing society as well as changes in statutory guidance.

The impact of the careers programme with be measured and assessed by:

  • Analysing destination data
  • Analysing NEET data
  • Compass + self-evaluation tool which leads to an action plan
  • Feedback from staff following key events.

The careers programme, are evaluated both by the Deputy Headteacher and Careers Lead, using teacher and student feedback. The careers programme is assessed using the Compass + Careers Benchmark Tool. For the 2024/25 academic year, the Assistant Headteacher is Mrs Carly Collett (0118 978 1144 or and the Careers Lead is Mrs Barbara Martins (0118 978 1144 or

*Careers programme to be reviewed July 2025.


More Information

The Provider Access StatementPathwaysApprenticeshipsCareers, Employment and Employability SkillsWork ExperienceVolunteeringDisability and EmploymentFinance and Further EducationCareer Information Leaflets