Start Your Journey
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) and the Recovery Premium Grant (RPG) is used in a variety of ways to support students at St Crispin’s.
The Government believes that the PPG, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most. Above all, it aims to raise the achievement of this group.
The approach taken by St. Crispin’s is grounded in the best practice as recommended by the EEF and that shared within local partnership working in the Wokingham and Bracknell Pupil Premium Network.
If you would like to check if your child is eligible for free school meals or you have any queries about free school meals please contact Mrs Kelly Barnby on: or 01189 781144.
The group of students at St. Crispin’s who qualify for the PPG varies from year to year. In each year the students making up this group have a range of academic abilities and they experience a range of socio-economic circumstances. These may include one or more of the following: low literacy skills, low numeracy skills, emotional/mental health issues and/or financial hardship that may prevent full participation in school life. The principle that the school follows in working with students who qualify for the PPG is to consider each young person on an individual basis. Consequently, the PPG is used in different ways in order to maximise the impact for these students and other students in the school.
The PPG Strategy is published below. It is reviewed annually by the SLT and through the committees of the Local Advisory Board. This review begins in the summer term of each academic year and is completed and published in the first half term of the next academic year once public examination results are known. Qualitative and quantitative data including attendance figures and academic outcomes are used to substantiate this evaluation. The school’s Evaluation and Impact report for the previous years are published below. The lead member of the SLT for the PPG is Kylie Pinsent.