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Ofsted Reports

About the School

Ofsted Reports

St. Crispin’s was last inspected in 2022. Click here to view full details.

St Crispin’s School continues to be a good school. St. Crispin’s School is a welcoming, inclusive and ambitious school. Effective support is provided for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders are determined to help pupils achieve their best. The curriculum is broad. There is a wide range of subjects available for pupils to study at GCSE level and in the sixth form.

Pupils say that they feel safe in school. The environment is calm and orderly. Pupils behave very well. They are polite and courteous.
Ofsted 2022

Expectations are high, especially with behaviour. Older pupils and sixth-form students play an active role in their community by supporting their younger peers. Most parents particularly value how well staff support their child, promoting self-esteem and character as well as academic success.

Pupils say that they feel safe in school. The environment is calm and orderly. Pupils behave very well. They are polite and courteous. They are confident that if bullying happens, staff will deal with it quickly and effectively. There is a strong pastoral team that works alongside the safeguarding team to keep pupils safe.

Leaders make sure that all pupils can take part in a wide range of clubs that inspire and interest them. For example, there are opportunities to play sports and music, as well as activities that develop pupils’ leadership skills. The school is currently reinstating visits that did not take place because of COVID-19.

St. Crispin’s latest report School Performance Tables
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