Start Your Journey
Attendance – the percentage attendance for the year to the date given.
KS4 Target Grade Range – Reports in Year 10 and 11 will show a target grade range. Targets are generated from a combination of national assessment information and professional judgement. In subsequent reports, a current predicted grade will be provided, alongside a fine grade indicating how secure that grade is.
The next columns of the report give an indication of how the student is performing in each subject in terms of Attitude to Learning, Quality of Work and Independent Study. The table below should be used to interpret the meaning of the scores 1 to 5 in each area.
Target Grade Range – the target grade for the end of the A level, BTEC or CTEC course they are studying.
Predicted Grades – reports in Year 12 and 13 will show a current predicted tracking grade (apart from the Autumn 1 report which only provides targets).
At Key Stage 5, the targets and the progress of students is shown using A level or BTEC grades. The A level qualifications are graded A* – E, the BTEC and CTEC qualifications are graded Pass – Distinction.
The next columns of the report give an indication of how the student is performing in each subject in terms of Attitude to Learning, Quality of Work and Independent Study. The table below should be used to interpret the meaning of the scores 1 to 5 in each area.
A brief explanation of the concern column is given in the final table. This applies to all key stages.