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Wider Curriculum Opportunities

Sixth Form

Wider Curriculum Opportunities

In today’s world, universities and employers look for students who have developed independent learning skills and who are able to think beyond the confines of their main subject area.

We therefore encourage our students to participate in the wealth of enrichment activities we offer at St. Crispin’s.


‘Be The Whole Package’ Programme

This bespoke programme, unique to our Sixth Form, is designed to enrich students’ learning outside of the classroom. Students complete a range of tasks and activities followed by a reflection activity resulting in a portfolio of evidence of transferable skills which allow them to stand out to potential universities and employers. The programme encompasses:

Community Enrichment Opportunities

Within school, Sixth Formers support younger students in the classroom, act as sports coaches or work with laboratory technicians. Students have also played a role outside school in local care homes, as hospital DJs and as animal rescue centre workers. Through these opportunities, students add a great deal to the school community and at the same time gain knowledge and skills to support their career aspirations.


Students are provided with the means to access Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). These courses are provided by universities and can be accessed over the Internet. The list of topics covered is endless ranging from ‘England in the Time of King Richard III’ to ‘The Science of Nuclear Energy’, and allows students to explore interests not covered in their courses.

Wider Reading

Reading for general interest and for pleasure is essential for learning about the world we live in as well as developing learning skills. Students are encouraged to devote time to wider reading and to engage with the texts through discussion and evaluation.

The Extended Project Qualification

Students may also opt to take the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), an accredited qualification in which they can undertake a research task on a topic of their choice and extend their abilities beyond their subjects. The EPQ carries UCAS points and is favoured by universities for the independent study skills and enthusiasm for learning that it evidences. 

Leadership opportunities include:

  • Head Team
  • Leadership of the school council
  • Senior Prefect
  • Peer mentoring
  • Eco committee: organising recycling and debating other green Issues around the school
  • Charity committee: organising school charity events and fundraising
  • Social committee: organising social events
  • Inter-Form Enterprise Challenge


Cultural opportunities include:

  • Visits to galleries, exhibitions, libraries and theatres
  • Safe Drive Stay Alive training
  • Helping out in local primary schools
  • The Bank of England inflation competition
  • Outside Public Speakers
  • Sixth Form visits including Paris and Spain
  • Senior Choirs and Orchestras
  • Ace Your Exams Day for Year 12
  • Study Skills Day and an Independent Learning Conference
  • Future Fairs Event


The Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award

The Duke of Edinburgh award is an internationally recognised award for young people and we are delighted to offer the Gold level of the award as an extracurricular activity for students in our Sixth Form. As part of the award students will complete up to 18 months of volunteering, a skill and a physical activity as well as a four-night walking expedition in ‘wild country’.

In addition to this, students will attend a five-day residential activity with other young people completing the scheme. We will give students all the help and support they need to find and apply for the different activities to complete the award and will provide them an opportunity to complete the expedition in the school Easter holidays. This is a really exciting opportunity for students to push themselves out of their comfort zone, take part in a real adventure and gain skills for life. Students will be able to sign up for the award at the start of Year 12, completing the award by Easter of Year 13.